Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Humans, Completly Fascinating...

Have you ever just watched the behavior of humans? It is amazing and teenagers? They are the most fascinating of all... They travel in packs, lie, cheat and do illegal shit just to piss off the "man". Though they are not all bad, some can be real sweet and themselves. So no need to worry, they will soon get over this whole "the man is evil" thing and will finally understand themselves... Let us just hope they stay fascinating because they make me want to understand... I want to study them more... I want to know everything about them...

Anyone agree?

Be Yourself!

I am blogging today to tell you to be yourself and screw what others think... Don't let people change you and follow your dreams....

What would be the point to be popular? No one is better then another....
So listen to me and be yourself no matter what another says...